Find childcare that's right for you and your child

Get connected with high-quality, respectful childcare providers.

Join the waitlist to find out when Wonder Village certified caregivers or Centers are available in your neighbourhood.

For Parents 1

"It's not just childcare, it's peace of mind"

When you send your child to a Wonder Village certified caregiver or center, you know they’re getting the best possible care. We train and support passionate and highly motivated individuals so that you can leave your child in their care, worry-free.

Why choose a Wonder Village caregiver / center?

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Healthy Attachment

Healthy attachments and strong bonds are the focus of our work with children.

Through respectful caregiving and interactions, children learn that they are loved and valued.

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Child-led learning

Children learn about the world and their place in it through play and exploration.

Children are supported in their learning through plenty of play, nurturing environments and attuned educators.

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Emotional Well-Being

Children are supported to process and express all their feelings.

Positive discipline and emotion coaching help children develop resilience, empathy and emotional regulation.

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Physical development

Our menus are reviewed by a professional nutritionist to ensure that children are getting everything they need in order to grow and develop to their full potential.

We spend lots of time outdoors so that children can crawl, run and climb in nature.

Take a look inside our
Wonder Village Childcare Center

Carmen's Wonder Village

The Wonder Village difference

Wonder Village care
Traditional childcare
Child-led learning
Girl in a jacket
Low child:caregiver ratio
Girl in a jacket
Respectful care
Girl in a jacket
Positive discipline and emotion coaching
Girl in a jacket
Trained in safeguarding and child protection
Girl in a jacket

"We’re on a mission to create a world where all children
receive the care they deserve right from the start."

Great childcare is not only the foundation for your child’s cognitive and socio-emotional development, it’s also the place where deep relationships are formed and communities come together. Plus, knowing that your child is in good hands frees you to be fully present in other areas of your life.

Join the waitlist to find out when Wonder Village certified caregivers / centers are available in your neighbourhood.

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